March 3, 2023

Capitalism at its Finest

In preparation to go home (to Connecticut) for the weekend, I cleaned my room this morning. As in, dusted, vacuumed, watered the plants, the whole shebang. As I did this, I found three tv remotes, reminding me of quite the story I have to share. 

Until this past October, I never had a TV in my room. I like separating my spaces – the bedroom is for sleeping, the living/family room for vegging, the desk is put somewhere random for work and studying. In New York, that’s impossible, so I’m slowly getting better at my bedroom being all of the above. Once I have more space and live by myself, the TV will definitely go back to being in the family room. 

It’s been flashing the message “storage full” at me for a while now. I’ve deleted apps, cleared the cache, and followed all the next steps. The final suggestion, if all else failed, was to reset the TV to its factory settings. I confirmed this with Amazon and Best Buy. They agreed that’s what I should do. 

So I did it. 

I turn it on, it takes me to the welcome screen, lets me choose my language, then tries to pair the remote, and it fails, and fails, and fails. No remote found. So I do my research. I read reddit threads and watch youtube videos of people with this same problem. Apparently, if you replace the remote ever and then reset the tv, it might not work because it’s not the original remote. I replaced the remote the TV came with because it stopped working. I found out that a remote can be reset by pressing three buttons for 45 seconds. So I do that. Then you can try to press and hold the home button for ten seconds to pair it. So I do that. Change the batteries. So I go out and buy AAA batteries and do that. Nope. So I called Amazon again, and they told me to buy a different remote. They sent me the link to the exact remote that should work. So I do that. Only it still doesn’t work. I go to Best Buy. They gave me a remote to try. It still doesn’t work. Youtube took me through a coding tutorial for a hard reboot. So I do that. It still doesn’t work. 

Now I have three remotes and a perfectly non-functioning TV mounted to the wall. 

What in the capitalist world??? 

About Me

Welcome! I’ve decided to join in the fun this year and try my hand at writing a little something every day for the month of March. HOPEFULLY, it’ll instill a pattern and I’ll continue on.

I am currently living in New York City and excited to share daily moments inspired by NYC!

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