March 20, 2023

Some Recent Wins

I made EXCELLENT soup last night. If you’ve been reading since day one, you know soup hasn’t always gone well. I roasted all the veggies we had in the fridge that needed to be used (this included cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, pepper), along with some shallots, garlic, and diced ginger. We blended them with some chicken broth and bouillon, and stirred in some cheddar cheese along with some other seasonings. Yum! 

I deleted snapchat and instagram over the weekend. After seeing one too many stories I didn’t care to see, I figured it would be a good mental health cleanout. Today, I also cleaned out my closet (three bags of donations worth) and went so far with the cleaning that I even cleaned the radiator. I’m calling it a hard reset. 

My hard reset did not include deleting tik tok. I do have a time limit on it – 10 minutes maximum per day, and I can watch it while on the treadmill. So this morning, I opened it and discovered that Abercrombie was having another sale. I missed the last one by about two hours and have been waiting for this. Larkin did comment and tell me to buy something on a recent blog post. I listened! It’s her fault. Blame Larkin.

I’ll let you know whether I have any success with the retail therapy. 

About Me

Welcome! I’ve decided to join in the fun this year and try my hand at writing a little something every day for the month of March. HOPEFULLY, it’ll instill a pattern and I’ll continue on.

I am currently living in New York City and excited to share daily moments inspired by NYC!

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